DataFocus Intelligent Search BI Manufacturing Industry Solution-Data Storage Link Problem

Old IT infrastructure, difficult data storage and connectivity

DataFocus Intelligent Search BI Manufacturing Industry Solution - Low Data Utilization

The historical cumulative data are numerous and complex, and the data utilization rate is low

DataFocus Intelligent Search BI Manufacturing Industry Solution - Data Island

There is only process flow, no data flow, and the data forms an island


Core advantages description

DataFocus Intelligent Search BI Manufacturing Industry Solution - Cloud BI Access Anytime

Cloud Data Warehouse, Which Can Be Accessed And Used at Any Time

The old historical data accumulated in the manufacturing industry can be unified and integrated into the cloud data warehouse of DataFocus, and the storage capacity can be expanded at any time. Data from different departments supports sub-authority management.

DataFocus Intelligent Search BI Manufacturing Industry Solution - Manufacturing Index Visualization

Indicator Visualization, Say Goodbye to Manual Statistics

Based on the company's core KPIs, in-depth research and analysis from different dimensions such as quality, finance, efficiency, production, manpower, inventory, etc., to discover problems in each module in time to quickly adjust corresponding strategies, avoid lag risks, and improve management decision-making efficiency.

DataFocus Intelligent Search BI Manufacturing Industry Solution - Data Dynamic Visualization

Dynamic Display of Data, Granularity is up to You

It supports data roll-up and drill-down, supports global linkage, and understands the details of company-level/department-level/team-level/individual data, which can not only see the overall situation, but also see the details clearly.

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DataFocus makes data analysis as easy as searching

DataFocus Intelligent Search BI Manufacturing Industry Solution-BOM Production Planning Analysis
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